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The Guide To The Ultimate Summer BBQ

August 17th, 2021
Written by: taylors_admin
Categories: Cooking Tips

The sun is shining, heatwaves are pending and what’s the best way to celebrate? With the ultimate summer BBQ of course! There is no better time to try out that new marinade or spruce up a salad with some seasonal summer produce. We’ll talk you through our top picks to bring to the cookout with the perfect summer BBQ guide. 

  1. Get The Right BBQ!

It may sound like a basic step but having the right BBQ is crucial. We always advise a coal barbecue as it allows for an extra smokey flavour, however, don’t worry if yours is gas or electric! No matter what type of grill you own, make sure it’s clean and prepped. You can clean your BBQ by applying a thin layer of oil to the grates before the heat is turned on – too much oil will cause a buildup so use it sparingly!

  1. Pick the right meat

    4 chicken fillets on a bed of ice
    Chicken Fillets 2

We would argue picking the right meat can make or break your summer BBQ. We highly recommend good, quality meat. Good quality meat is essential to having the perfect BBQ so we would advise you on our BBQ packs. Our Essentials BBQ Pack contains, Beef Burger, Pork Sausages, Marinated Chicken and of course bread buns! In addition, we also have our BBQ Pack which contains Beef Burgers, Pork Sausages, Pork Steaks, Chicken Fillets and Peppered Steaks. Whichever you pick will be sure to wow your guests!

Prepare your meat.

The second step is also vital as you want your meat to come down to room temperature before cooking, so leave the meat to rest for rough;y 20 minutes. This is done so the meat will cook evenly, avoiding the outside cooking quicker than the inside. For meats such as sausages and chicken in particular this is extremely important to avoid food poisoning. In addition, if you have meats that need seasoning now is the time to do so. 

  1. Cooking the meat.

Now it’s time to cook! First of all, you must wait for the flames to die down and the coal to turn white that’s when you know the BBQ is at perfect cooking temperature. For burgers we recommend cooking for 4 minutes before flipping, cooking for about 10 minutes in total. A sausage, however, will take about 10-15 minutes depending on thickness whereas chicken strips will take approximately 10 minutes. 

  1. Let the meat rest.

Most meats need time to rest after cooking, you should allow a minimum of 5 minutes rest time before serving. This is done to allow the juices to be reabsorbed into the meat for an extra juicy flavour. It’s crucial for red meats to be rested to allow the moisture to spread evenly throughout the meat, however, all of your BBQ goodness would benefit from rest time. Don’t forget the bigger the cut of meat the longer it needs to rest! 

  1. Enjoy!

Now finally it’s time to enjoy! Put on your favourite playlist, pick up a drink and embrace the British sun. 

So there you have our top tips for the perfect summer BBQ. Looking for high-quality meat to complete your gathering? You can shop our range here